Massage Therapy for Scarborough
We offer massage therapy in addition to chiropractic services at Courtyard Chiropractic Health Centre. A wonderful complement to chiropractic care, massage therapy offers numerous health benefits and leaves you feeling great.
What Is It?

Massage therapy is a great compliment to chiropractic care.
Massage therapy is the manipulation of the soft tissues (muscles, skin, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and membranes of the body) to gain a therapeutic response.
Your massage therapist will help you to understand how your body has the ability to heal and how massage therapy assists in that process.
How It Works
The many benefits of massage therapy include:
- Releasing chronic tension and pain in muscles
- Improving circulation
- Increasing flexibility in the joints
- Reducing mental and physical fatigue
- Combating the effects of stress
What to Expect
On your first visit, we’ll get information from you about your health history to allow our therapist to assess your needs and develop an appropriate care plan.
We’ll be flexible with you in how you feel most comfortable during the massage, ensuring you have privacy and coverage that match your comfort level.
Then, you’ll relax on a massage table that is designed for your comfort. The room will be at an optimal temperature, and can be quiet or filled with gentle music; whichever is your preference. Our massage therapist will use a professional-grade massage oil or lotion and start gently to release superficial tension. Gradually, your massage therapist will work more deeply into the tissues and addresses specific areas.
Find out more about Marla Weinrib RMT>>
Call today and find out how massage therapy can benefit your health concerns!